I’m a warrior!

Okay, so I don’t quite mean swords and shields, and blood and gore. That’s a little too… energetic for my liking, unless there’s a roaring fire, fluffy slippers and a mug of hot chocolate waiting for me. No, I’m a World Indie Warrior! “What the heck?” I hear you cry, but bear with me. WorldContinue reading “I’m a warrior!”

August – meh!

So it’s August… anyone else feeling completely deflated? This time of year I’ve normally just been to spend a few days with family, had a night or two away just my daughter and I, had several fun and interesting days out, and would be in the middle of packing for our annual camping trip toContinue reading “August – meh!”

Sorceress of Truth

Normally around this time of the month I review a book that I’ve recently read. I’ve been super busy with Camp NaNoWriMo, so I’ve hardly had the chance to pick up a book, let alone finish one. So, for this month I thought I would do something a little different. Over the last year I’veContinue reading “Sorceress of Truth”

July – what do you have in store for us?

How are we all feeling? What’s the situation where you are? I hope June was kind to you, for me it was much the same. In the UK everything is slowly starting to open back up but I still very rarely go anywhere. To me everything seems so strange and alien, and I doubt weContinue reading “July – what do you have in store for us?”

June – a few days late

It’s safe to say my creativity has taken a nose dive and I’m struggling to find the motivation, and time, to sit down and write. To be fair, I can’t just blame it on our current situation. I often struggle to write at this time of the year as I have so many other thingsContinue reading “June – a few days late”